A quick click of the remote in spring, and it isn't long before we hear how we must prevent skin cancer. Prevention, we are told, comes in a multitude of colorful bottles with assorted numbers and can even be applied in colors that dissolve, to make certain every patch of skin is concealed. Could it possibly be that there are "natural" things we can do to lower our risk, in addition to the ubiquitous sunscreen?

Step 1: Take a walk and sip a cup of java!

Researchers demonstrated in the past that mice who spent more time on the treadmill, had a lower risk of skin cancer. Last summer, another dimension was added. Mice that ran on a treadmill plus drank the equivalent of 1 to 2 cups of coffee, had a 400% increase in apoptosis of skin cells that had been damaged by UVB rays. "Apoptosis" means cell suicide, the process by which abnormal cells die rather than progress on to become cancer cells.
Step 2: Tomorrow we will talk about "eating your sunscreen," foods that may protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.
For further information on cancer prevention, visit
Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time.