Tune in to C-SPAN 2 this weekend!
Many of our blog entries and a large section of our book speak of the environmental risks for cancer -and what we can do to lower those risks. Not a small concern, since roughly 90 percent of cancers are caused by the environment rather than genetics. This - and the fact that one in two men and one-third of women will develop cancer in their lifetime.
Thankfully, there are people like Dr. Devra Davis, Director Of Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh, who have exposed the errors - at multiple levels - in our war against cancer. Through her work, and the foundation she has begun, we have new hope, that fewer of us will have to hear those awful words: "you have cancer."
Tune in to C-SPAN 2 this weekend on Saturday evening or Sunday morning!Devra will be discussing her new book "The Secret History of the War on Cancer" on Book TV on C-SPAN 2 this weekend on Saturday at 10 PM (EST) and on Sunday at 6 AM (EST).
Further information on the work Dr. Davis is doing, and general information on the environment and cancer risk is available online. Unlike the funding to study chemotherapy drugs, funding to evaluate the role of the environment in causing cancer is lacking. The Center for Environmental Oncology has a donation program where you can contribue to this important cause. You can see our friend Rich Pagen, who took this to another level this summer, paddling for the cause.
Devra Davis has been called the Rachel Carson of this era. Speaking with her today, she was very humble in her response. Yet, the impact of her work could make the impact of pesticide awareness from that era pale in comparison.
For information on simple, daily things you can do to lower your risk of developing cancer, read on.