Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Beyond Cancer Prevention - Living Consciously, Dying Gracefully

Sometimes, those who least deserve to get cancer - do.

Our blog has been centered on cancer prevention, yet, we're keenly aware that many have suffered the diagnosis of, and too often the loss of, loved ones from cancer. Many of these people were "doing everything right," and following the principles we discuss. Our condolences go out to you.

In "Living Consciously, Dying Gracefully: A Journey with Cancer and Beyond," authors Nancy Manahan and Becky Bohan "relive" the life of Nancy's sister-in-law Diane Manahan. From her diagnosis of breast cancer, integrative approach to treatment, planning her own death at home, and even moments after her death where she touched those she loved, her story brings a wonderful comfort, and renewed joy to those left behind.

The holidays can stir up emotions for those who have feared, or felt this loss. Having cancer take loved ones in our own lives, we are grateful for the work of these two exceptional women - a work that can bring comfort and joy to those heavy with grief and sorrow at this time of year.

Diane's gift, captured in this book, will be my gift this year to many!"

One of the finest books I have ever read! Impeccably a good friend talking with you over tea and a warm fire. The book is juicy, alive, and vital--a compelling read about a woman I wish I'd met."Editor of Marriage Magazine" unforgettable, deeply touching and honestly written book. It's not about fearing death--it's about embracing life."Armchair Interviews.

Further information, including how to order, can be found at

For information on cancer prevention, visit Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time.