Those who have listened to me speak, or read our book Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time know my favorite step for lowering cancer risk. "Take a walk in the sun!"
With regards to colon cancer prevention, that walk earned double points this year.Walking: A large study published in the International Journal of Cancer last month showed that women who walk as little as one hour per week have a lower incidence of colon cancer. Women who walked between 1 and 2 hours per week had a 31 percent reduction in colon cancer. This increased to a 44 percent lower incidence in those that exercised moderately 4 hours per week. In the Sun (Vitamin D): A separate study concluded that individuals who raise their blood levels of vitamin D to 46ng/ml - a level achieved by receiving 2000 IU's of vitamin D daily - could cut their risk of colon cancer by two-thirds.
Practical tips are (i) wear a pedometer. Figure out the average number of steps you take in an hour of walking, multiply it by four, and try to reach at least that number weekly. Another recent study demonstrated that those who wore pedometers, increased the distance they walked by one to two miles per day, and lost weight - even without a change in diet.
(ii) Apply sunscreen after being in the sun for ten minutes. Ten to fifteen minutes in the sun can result in the absorption of a whopping 2000-5000 IU's of vitamin D. Sunscreen can block the absorption of vitamin D (for those at high risk of skin cancer, see below). - For those who can't tolerate the sun or choose to walk indoors, ask your health care provider whether a vitamin D supplement should be considered. Based on the reduction in colon, as well as breast and lung cancers, Canada now recommends vitamin D supplementation for most citizens. While we prefer dietary measures, this is difficult with vitamin D. To get 2000 IU's from food could mean 20 glasses of milk and a little salmon and herring - not something we recommend daily!
(iii) Make walking fun. Turn on lively music as you clean your home. Plan activities and vacations that require walking - to see what only those who walk can see. Park as far away as possible at the mall and grocery store, and give thanks, that as you put on the miles, you are not contributing to global warming driving up and down aisles for the perfect spot!
For more information on cancer prevention, visit