Sunday, May 11, 2008

"Best Medical Book Of The Year" Confirms World Ready For Preventing Cancer

With medically grounded prevention advice for even the most health conscious consumers, Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time by Lynne Eldridge, M.D. and David Borgeson was a double winner at the 2008 National INDIE EXCELLENCE Book Awards. In winning both the Best Medical Book Of The Year and the Grand Prize Editors Choice Awards, it’s clear the world is ready to prevent cancer, not just treat it.

“The INDIE EXCELLENCE Awards review thousands of new books from independent publishers across the USA,” INDIE EXCELLENCE President Ellen Reid says. Awards are granted in over 80 fiction and nonfiction categories created to champion independent book publishers and the phenomenal products they produce. Entries are judged by independent reviewers, all of whom are avid readers with a wide range of experiences and considered experts in their respective fields.

About Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time

Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time is an authoritative, good-humored and remarkably practical book on how people can alter their lifestyles and add years to their lives. It describes do-able prevention and sets a needed example for American health care, where research and resources disproportionately address diagnosis and treatment to the neglect of keeping people healthy in the first place. This is an easy read, loaded with practical information - from everyday environmental hazards, to avoidance of carcinogenic lifestyle choices, to a deep and useful discussion of preventive nutrition. And there is a terrific recipe collection which could be expanded into a book of its own.

Avoiding Cancer One Day At A Time (ISBN 1592981593, Beavers Pond Press) may be purchased over the Internet at AvoidCancerNow, at or at local independent book stores.